Learn to Day Trade – TGIF Slow But Fun!

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Learn to Day Trade – TGIF Slow But Fun!
to learn to day trade visit http://daytradervideo.com

Interesting day in the market everyone so let’s get right into it and talk about why it was so interesting. Today was the kind of day where you can definitely learn a thing or two.
Immediately out of the gate I decided to take a trade because it really looked like we were going to have a strong run down. So, after waiting a bit to see if my confirmation became true I entered a short and was immediately stopped out. If you want to learn to day trade then consider this early stop out an important lesson for all aspiring traders.
Sometimes this type of crap is just going to happen straight out of the gate and you’re going to have to learn how to handle your emotions to the best of your abilities right out of the gate.

After a quick run I was pretty ticked when I couldn’t get a fill and then the trade took off prior to news. Again if you want to learn to day trade this is one of those situations that you want to remain cool and collected. My frustration intensified awhile later when again I was not able to obtain a fill on another long that worked to target.

Finally I was able to get a fill, but I had to take an early exit because the trade just didn’t look like it was going to work out.

Eventually when we changed direction back to the downside I not only obtained my first win but a total of 2 points using the beginning day trading strategy that I keep ranting and raving about. But, the job didn’t continue for that long as the next trade short was a loser for the full 5 tick loss that I have with every single one of the trades that I take.

After missing another few fills I was finally able to get filled on two shorts which both turned out to be full winners.

So, overall today was quite a frustrating day that could have turned into a blow up day. This is why it’s very important to stay calm and make sure to have total control of your emotions when day trading for a living.

Because I’m getting a ton of questions about the 6E, I’ve decided to continue to trade both but only recap the beginners day trading strategy on the ES. You will still see total profits for both markets but I will clearly state how much is for the ES on the video screen. Please remember that this is only a sim account and in the final week of my challenge I will reveal what my actual profits look like.

As always use all of my videos as tools to help you learn to day trade.